New Song: The Great Unknown

Nov 26, 2023

Having spent the large part of the last four years working on this album and having overcome so many obstacles on the way, it comes with great satisfaction, that I can finally release the first song for “shadows & lights” which is called “The Great Unknown”. I really hope that you will enjoy this song as it turned out pretty much the way I had hoped in the beginning…

Der erste Schritt, sei es in einen neuen Lebensabschnitt oder in eine neue Lebenssituation ist häufig der schwerste. Manch einer geht diesen Schritt freiwillig, auf der Suche nach etwas neuem, unbekanntem, einem Abenteuer vieleicht. Ein anderer nimmt diesen Schritt unfreiwillig, sei es durch unerwartete Schicksals-wendungen oder äußere Umstände denen wir allzu oft nur wenig entgegenzusetzen haben.

Wie auch immer der Grund sei, es bleibt uns oft nichts anderes übrig als einen Fuß vor den anderen zu setzen, uns vorsichtig voranzutasten und zu hoffen, dass uns unser Weg in die richtige Richtung führt.

Das Gefühl der Unsicherheit welches mit dem Neuen, Unbekannten einhergeht, mag dem einen als Nervenkitzel erscheinen, dem anderen stark missfallen, jeder kann dem Leben nur auf seine eigene Weise entgegentreten.

Meine persönliche Erfahrung hat mir gezeigt, dass auf den ersten Schritt  immer ein zweiter und danach viele viele weitere Schritte folgen und wenn auch die neue Situation ungewöhnlich und zumal auch bedrohlich erscheinen kann, lässt sich dennoch nicht gänzlich ausschließen, dass der neue Weg in eine bessere Richtung führt.

Yoyo Mtt.

The Great Unknown

Lately I’ve been searching for
Answers that just can’t seem to be found
In my head
Maybe I’ve been wanting though
Break with all the rules to understand
All those words that I’ve just heard

And I know, how life goes
Back to its rhythm and back to the start again
In my head I‘ve just been shown
And I know, how life goes
Lost in the moment and lost in the past again
I can’t believe I’ve just been thrown

Into the great unknown

And when I, look back now
Back to those moments and back to the past again
In my head I should’ve known
And when I, go back now
Back to my life and back to the start again
I can’t believe that I’ve been thrown

Into the great unknow
And we’re all just thrown
Into the great unknown
And we’re all just thrown, into the great unknown

And when I cannot understand
And when I cannot just pretend anymore

I get back on my feet and I step on the floor
Keep my head down and I come back for more
I get back on my feet and I step on the floor
Keep my head down and I come back for more
I said oohh my life just had me thrown
Into the great unknown
My life just had me thrown
Into the great unknown
My life just had me thrown
Into the great unknown…

Lyrics & Music by Johannes M.
Drum recordings by Chris Whitten

I started working on this song in the summer of 2021. I was once again homebound and in order to keep myself occupied, I wanted to write a new song with a simple structure but I wanted it to have an exciting rythm. I had listened to some “oldies” like “Save tonight” by Eagle  Eye-Cherry which is an extremely simple song, yet still quite exciting. So I played around with a couple of rythms and finally came up with the first version that you can hear below. This was recorded on a phone, so the quality is of course not great.

From this first draft it took me a couple of months to get to the final version and record most of the instruments, however I still didn’t have any real drums. For all of my songs, I normaly program midi drums first, before even recording the guitars, however midi drums never sound as “natural” as real live drums. And so it wasn’t until March of 2023 that I was finally able to hire Chris, in order to record the drums and finish the idea that I had all this time ago.

In Autumn 2023 I finished the mixing and mastering stage with the help of Josh and started working on the music video. “The Great Unknwon” being my first music video, I then had to learn how to create and edit video and I also bought my first camera.

I tried filming for a couple of days and then came up with the idea of filming myself in one of my most favorite places, the Karwendel mountains. And with the help of my wife Niusha, who did an amazing job as camera-woman for this video, we were able to film the music video on a beautiful day in October.

And the final result of all that work you can see on this page…

Yoyo Mtt.